Mnogo činjenica iz historijskog perioda Jugoslavije ne može i ne treba da nas ostavi ravnodušnim, a posebno kada su u pitanju arhitektura i spomenici.
Svi znamo da pored ljepote, historijski spomenici kriju mnogo više od samog izgleda, a to je njihova priča.
Jugoslovenski memorijalni spomenik Doline heroja na Tjentištu, podignut u znak sjećanja na bitku na Sutjesci 1943. godine, jedan je od onih mjesta koja ne možete posjetiti samo jednom. Isti slučaj je i sa mnom. Spomenik na Tjentištu sam posjećivao i prije, a svaki put iznova osjetim ljepotu i dašak historije.
Tražeći inspiraciju za neke nove lokacije, naišao sam na profil Red Africa Travel. Iako sam pronašao mnogo novih i zanimljivih destinacija, ponovo sam se oduševio pričom o spomeniku na Tjentištu i odlučio još jednom otići baš tamo. Podsjetio sam se koliko je sam spomenik Doline heroja nadrealan, kao da govori o budućnosti, isto koliko i o prošlosti.
U borbi na Sutjesci učestvovalo je 22.000 partizanskih boraca. Veliki broj vojnika je stradao. U slavu te bitke, 1971. godine podignut je spomenik simbol Tjentišta.
Kažu da fotografija govori hiljadu riječi, a ja sam uvijek bio od onih koji preferiraju klik aparata, nego linije teksta. Zato ću vam upravo fotografijom pokušati predstaviti grandioznost ovog spomenika, samo jednog u nizu fantastičnih jugoslovenskih koji se nalaze u našoj zemlji.
Many facts and events from the period of Yugoslavia cannot (and should not) leave us indifferent, especially when it comes to architecture and monuments.
We all know that in addition to their beauty, historical monuments hide much more than just their appearance – their story.
The Memorial Monument of the Valley of Heroes in Tjentište, built in memory of the battle of Sutjeska in 1943, is one of those places that you simply can’t visit just once. The same happened with me. I have visited the Monument in Tjentište before, and every time I do, a feeling of excitement and beauty for feeling this touch of history overwhelms me.
While looking for inspiration for some new locations in BiH I could visit in the upcoming period, I came across Red Africa Travel website. Although I found a lot of exciting locations there, I was once again stunned by the story of the Monument in Tjentište, so I decided to go there again. Again, it reminded me of its surrealness, and the fact it speaks about the future, just as much as it does about the past.
22,000 partisan fighters took part in the battle of Sutjeska. A significant number of those soldiers were killed. In honor of that battle, in 1971, a Monument was built, as a symbol of Tjentište.
They say one picture is worth a thousand words, and I’ve always been one of those who prefer camera clicks over lines of text. That is why I will try to present the glory of this Monument through a series of photos.
Sit back and enjoy!